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Community Permaculture & Empowerment

Through our community outreaches and demonstrations we empower individuals, local communities and the larger public to build sustainable & environmentally friendly:
We do this by taking in consideration the fact that our communities and Uganda at large relies on farming as the main source of income or survival.
To that effect we empower rural communities to undertake sustainable agriculture and culture and consequently improve their lives.
We train and practically demonstrate to communities and more specifically farmer groups techniques such as Integrated pest management (IPM), compositing, agroforestry which are not of eco-friendly but also health friendly and pocket friendly / affordable

What We Do: About Us

Permaculture Education

Permaculture Design Course (PDC)

Working with our partners, Sector39, from Wales (United Kingdom), we offer Internationally recognized PDCs accredited by the Permaculture Research Association of UK. The Courses are instructed by very qualified and experienced tutors with decades of practical experience.

These PDC are held annually (Usually in May) at different locations to allow for diversity and  continued establishment of practical sites since a permaculture project is produced is established.

 Permaculture Design Certificate Course (PDC) material was originally developed by Bill Mollison, co-founder of permaculture, to teach the principles and foundations of sustainable design. All PDC courses offered throughout the world must follow the same format (see course syllabus and PDC Outline) to assure that the integrity of the certification process is upheld.

The course provides a minimum of 72 hours of direct contact with instructor(s), in addition to group design time, homework assignments, self-study time, hands-on projects, visits to demonstration sites and other learning activities.

Participants that meet the predetermined criteria receive Permaculture Design Certificates from their lead instructor(s) upon completion of the course. The certificate attests that the recipient has acquired certain knowledge of the subject, and it enables the recipient to start using the word “permaculture” in their livelihood and professional practice.

Specialized Short Courses

We also offer Specialized short courses , the can be either tailored and scheduled by the institute or upon request by a client or a group. Some of the short courses include But Not limited to the following:

  • Whole farm planning/property management planning

  • Land component identification and classification

  • Using permaculture pattern designs for effective resource utilization ( Swales, Longitudinal contours, use of natural / vegetative plants to reduce surface water run off )

  • Composite and organic manure generation and usage

  • Water harvesting & drought-proofing methods and applications

  • Food, Vegetables and fruit production

  • Farm forestry & tree crop ground preparation, management & processing techniques

  • Appropriate technology

  • Introduction to  Aquaculture / Aquaponics

  • Farm records and information Management

What We Do: About Us

Permaculture in Schools 

›School Gardening & Greening 

The ’School Gardening and Greening’’ is an approach though which the ‘’most teachable minds’’ / Children will be practically trained in improved Agriculture, culture  and conservation techniques. The pupils / students will be trained basing on ‘’Nature Friendly’’  methods using the Permaculture approach.

Schools in Uganda have the ability and potential to use the locally available resources to produce good quality, fresh and nutritious foods to provide a healthy and balanced diet both to the pupils and teachers, among these readily available resources are; Labour, Land and waste (Manure)

Going by the statistics from the Uganda National Bureau of Statistics, well as an estimated 50,000 youths graduate from Universities and Institutions of Higher learning, only 30% are able to be absorbed into the formal employment sector, 20% into the informal,  leaving 50% frustrated and desperately fighting for survival.  It is therefore imperative that a platform to equip these youth with invaluable skills to empower they can subsequently pass on to their respective societies.

Summary  Aims of the School Greening & Gardening Program

  • Improve curriculum delivery & provide practical hands-on opportunities for environmental education

  • Provide fresh, healthy fruit and vegetables to supplement the school feeding scheme, improving meals, and boosting learner health & nutrition,

  • Invigorate school grounds, and thus children's lives, with green, natural spaces,

  • Provide practical examples for sustainability for the immediate community and beyond.

What We Do: About Us

Refugee Permaculture Program 

Working with numerous stakeholders such as development partners and NGOs , We support and train Refugees and host communities using the permaculture approach to improve their resilience , livelihoods as well as restoring the enormous degraded vegetation cover.

What We Do: About Us
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